Thursday 28 March 2013

Tiara Twist Bun

This week has been so crazy with sporting events and end of term concerts etc, so we've had to come up with hairstyles that are fun and easy, but look like we've made a bit more of an effort.  This hairdo was one we saw on tumblr but couldn't find a tutorial out there for it.  Little Rapunzel has become quite fond of it, and came up with our special name of: "The Tiara Twisted Bun" because the shape of the joined twists looks to her a bit like an inverted tiara :-)  We wanted to share this one with you and see what you think?  We think the twists through the bun add a nice dimension to the style, giving it a bit more texture.  It was perfect for dancing this week and surprised me so much - as it made it through the WHOLE day, and I didn't even have to touch it up before dancing this afternoon :-)  You could add a bit of hairspray, mouse or wax to the twists to keep them super smooth, but as I don't use a lot of product in my Rapunzel's hair, we just left it how it was. Have fun with this one :-)

If you enjoyed this "Hair-do & How-to", please feel free to share it with your friends..  

Rapunzel's Mother
x x x


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